For this trip, I honestly just heard air-conditioned hotels and that was enough to get me out of bed at 3:30am and to stumble onto a bus with my gringo buddies. After some half-sleep and hours of "If you're going to San Francisco" on repeat, I woke up to pretty green hills! Merida is great, but there really isn't much for scenery.
First we went to Mayan ruins in the city of Palenque. Absolutely beautiful!
Me on one of the structures (peace!). Love all the trees and vegetation!!
During the whole time we were there, local (adorable) children about 7 or 8 years old were trying to sell us "signos"- our Mayan astrological sign. So of course I bought one (they cost the equivalent of about 1 dollar). I never know if buying from children helps or exacerbates the situation....
< Kaitlan and I- in the shade!!- wearing our signos :)
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